Announcing Pomerium v0.17

March 22, 2022

We are pleased to announce the v0.17 release of Pomerium! This release includes several long requested features, including:

Per Route Single-Sign-On Configuration

Pomerium now supports using route specific OpenID Connect / OAuth2 configurations. Administrators can now use application specific credentials where desired that can be co-managed and directly associated with your identity provider’s app catalog. 

Updated User Info Page

The user info page has been redesigned to better structure data around user identity, group, and device information.

Redesigned Structure of User Details

External Google Group Support

Pomerium can now synchronize group details for users even if they are outside your organization. This function should be particularly useful for those who want to add access for contractors, users from other organizations, or even GMail users via group membership. 

Next Steps

As always, we recommend upgrading and testing this release in an isolated environment. If you experience any issues, please report them on the Pomerium GitHub issue tracker. This release also includes other new features, general improvements, and bug fixes. A complete list can be found in the changelog.

Working Towards Zero Trust

Using Pomerium at work? Pomerium Enterprise is purpose-built for companies moving from perimeter to zero trust and identity-based access methods. We are proud to support these companies with features and capabilities built specifically for their needs. To learn how Pomerium can support your organization’s needs, checkout our GitHub, documentation, or reach out to us directly. 


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