Pomerium Core (Self-managed) | Pomerium
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Pomerium Core (Self-managed)

Pomerium Core (often referred to as Pomerium Open Source) is the primary server component in a self-hosted environment. All other Pomerium products build upon it. This document describes several ways to install and run Pomerium Core:

  1. Pre-Built Binaries (manual or OS-package installations)
  2. Docker Images
  3. Building from Source

Pre-Built Binaries

We publish official binaries for Linux and macOS on our GitHub Releases page, as well as OS packages (deb and rpm) via Cloudsmith.

Standalone Binary

  1. Download
    Go to GitHub Releases and look for the tarball corresponding to your operating system and architecture. For example:

    ARCH=[amd64 or arm64]
    OS=[linux or darwin]
    VERSION=[desired version]
    curl -L https://github.com/pomerium/pomerium/releases/download/${VERSION}/pomerium-${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz \
    | tar -z -x
  2. Run
    Once extracted, you have a pomerium binary. Supply configuration via environment variables or a config file:

    ./pomerium -config config.yaml

Linux Packages

We provide OS packages via Cloudsmith. Supported formats:

  • rpm (Yum, DNF)
  • deb (Apt)

For example, to add a Yum repo (rpm-based):


Or for Debian/Ubuntu (deb-based):

curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/pomerium/pomerium/gpg.6E388440B94E1407.key' | apt-key add -
echo "deb https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/pomerium/pomerium/deb/debian buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pomerium-pomerium.list

Then install Pomerium via your package manager:

# For yum-based systems:
yum install pomerium

# For apt-based systems:
apt-get update && apt-get install pomerium

Docker Images

We also provide container images on Docker Hub and GitHub Packages. Common tags:

  • :latest → The most recent stable release
  • :vX.Y.Z → A specific release
  • :main → Nightly builds from the main branch
  • :nonroot-* → Variants that run Pomerium as a nonroot user
  • :debug-* → Variants that include extra debugging utilities

Example usage:

# config.yaml is your Pomerium configuration.
# See https://www.pomerium.com/docs/deploy/core#configuration
# Note: The external port (8443) can be changed without affecting your route configuration
# as long as your routes don't specify explicit ports. See
# https://pomerium.com/docs/reference/routes/from#port-matching-behavior for more information
docker pull pomerium/pomerium:latest
docker run --rm -it \
-p 8443:443 \
-v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/pomerium/config.yaml \

If you plan to run on port 443 in a rootless environment, you may need extra capabilities or choose a non-privileged port.

Building From Source (Hard Fun mode!)

If you prefer building from source:

  1. Clone the Repository
    git clone https://github.com/pomerium/pomerium.git $HOME/pomerium
    cd $HOME/pomerium
  2. (Optional) Generate Local Certs
    For local development, use mkcert:
    go install filippo.io/mkcert@latest
    mkcert -install
    mkcert '*.localhost.pomerium.io'
  3. Build
    This compiles the pomerium binary under ./bin. If you don't have test prerequisites installed (Docker, Redis, etc.), run make build to skip them.
  4. Run
    ./bin/pomerium -config config.yaml


Pomerium is configured via configuration variables (environment variables) or a YAML file (config.yaml). Below is a minimal example referencing a single route and an identity provider:

# Minimal example route
# Generate a shared secret by running head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64
# More on shared secrets at https://www.pomerium.com/docs/reference/shared-secret
shared_secret: REPLACE_ME

# Generate a cookie secret by running head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64
# More on cookie secrets at https://www.pomerium.com/docs/reference/cookies#cookie-secret
cookie_secret: REPLACE_ME

# If the Authenticate Service URL is not set, the Pomerium Hosted Authenticate Service will be used.
# See https://www.pomerium.com/docs/reference/service-urls#authenticate-service-url
# authenticate_service_url: REPLACE_ME
# For more information on identity provider settings, see https://pomerium.com/docs/reference/identity-provider-settings
# idp_provider: REPLACE_ME
# idp_client_id: REPLACE_ME
# idp_client_secret: REPLACE_ME

address: :443

- from: https://verify.localhost.pomerium.io
to: https://verify.pomerium.com
- allow:
- domain:
is: myorg.com

For local testing, specify the certificate_file and certificate_key_file if using mkcert or other local certs. In production, you may rely on Let's Encrypt or external cert manager. See TLS certificates for details.

Running Pomerium

Systemd Service (OS Packages)

If you installed via rpm or deb, we ship a systemd service unit:

  1. Bind to Port 443
    Allow the pomerium service to listen on a privileged port:
    echo -e "[Service]\nAmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" | sudo SYSTEMD_EDITOR=tee systemctl edit pomerium
  2. Enable & Start
    sudo systemctl enable --now pomerium.service

Manual Launch

If using the standalone binary (or building from source):

./pomerium -config config.yaml

Any environment variables or custom settings can be set before this command.

Once deployed and configured, you can verify that Pomerium is running by accessing the domain of one of your routes. If your logs show successful user authentication, you're ready to protect more apps with Pomerium Core.
