Resources Categorized: Access Control

There are a total of (36) items.
Announcing Pomerium v0.21
VPNs Are Killing Productivity
Benefits of Zero Trust Architecture as Defined by NIST
Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a set of policies , processes, and technologies that are used to manage digital identities and the access that individuals have to systems, applications, and data. The goal of IAM is to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information and that their access is properly managed and monitored. IAM systems typically include the follow
Intrusion Detection
Intrusion detection refers to the process of identifying unauthorized access or malicious activity on a computer system or network. The goal of intrusion detection is to detect potential security threats and take appropriate action to prevent damage or theft of information . Intrusion detection can be performed using two main methods: signature-based intrusion detection and anomaly-based intrusion
Principle of Least Privilege
Also known as "least user privilege," this is a security principle implemented into access policy which states that a user or system process should only have the minimum level of access necessary to perform its intended functions. The idea behind least privilege is to reduce the risk of security breaches by limiting the damage that can be done by an attacker or by a malicious or malfunctioning pro
Policy (sometimes called "security policy" or "access policy") is a set of guidelines and rules that define the acceptable use of resources, systems, and data within an organization. It outlines the responsibilities of users and administrators, as well as the security measures that are in place to protect sensitive information. Authorization and authentication are critical components of a security
Context-Aware Proxy
A context-aware proxy is a type of proxy server that uses contextual information about the user, device, and request to make informed access control decisions. This type of proxy server integrates multiple security and network functions, including firewall, VPN , and intrusion detection, into a single, unified platform. The context-aware proxy uses information such as the user's identity, location
Access Token
An access token is a string of characters that represents authorization to access a particular resource, such as an API or a specific piece of content in a system. Access tokens are generated by an authentication server and are then passed to the client application, which uses them to access the authorized resources. Access tokens are typically short-lived, and may need to be refreshed after a cer
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