Resources Categorized: Authentication

There are a total of (25) items.
Back-channel logout
Back-channel logout is a security mechanism used in Single Sign-On (SSO) and Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems to ensure that when a user logs out of one application or service, they are also automatically logged out of all related applications and services without relying on the user's browser for communication. It is related to front-channel logout . Here's how back-channel logout wor
Front-channel logout
Front-channel logout is a security mechanism used in the context of Single Sign-On (SSO) and Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems to ensure that when a user logs out of one application or service, they are also automatically logged out of all related applications and services in a secure and synchronized manner. It is an OIDC-defined logout mechanism . Here's how front-channel logout works
Continuous Verification
Continuous verification refers to an ongoing process of verifying and validating the identity of individuals or entities over time, rather than just during initial access or authentication . It involves regularly assessing and confirming the identity of users, systems, or devices to ensure that they remain authorized and legitimate throughout their interaction with a system or network. Continuous
OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)
OWAS P , short for Open Web Application Security Project, is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the security of web applications and software. The organization is comprised of a community of security professionals, developers, and experts to focus on identifying, mitigating, and raising awareness about security risks and vulnerabilities that can affect web-based technologies. I
SSO: OAuth2 vs OIDC vs SAML
5 Lessons Learned Connecting Every IdP to OIDC
Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a secure area of a computer or mobile device that is isolated from the main operating system and is designed to protect sensitive information and operations. The TEE provides a secure environment for executing sensitive operations, such as storing and processing sensitive data, such as encryption keys, and performing secure boot. A TEE typically uses hardwa
Security Keys
Security keys are physical devices that are used to securely authenticate a user or device. They provide a more secure form of authentication than traditional username and password combinations and can be used to protect sensitive information, such as online accounts and sensitive data. Security keys work by using public key cryptography to verify the identity of the user or device. When a user at
Secure Enclave
A secure enclave is a hardware-based security feature that provides a secure environment for sensitive data and operations. It is designed to protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access even if the rest of the system is compromised. Secure enclaves are commonly found in modern mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, and are used to protect sensitive information such as b
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