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Resources Categorized: cybersecurity

There are a total of (55) items.
Encryption is the process of transforming plaintext into ciphertext using a mathematical algorithm, called a cipher, to ensure that the information is secure and confidential. The ciphertext, which is unreadable without a decryption key, can be transmitted or stored without the risk of unauthorized access or theft of the information. Encryption can be used to protect various types of information,
Attack Surface
The attack surface of a system refers to the total number of potential entry points that an attacker could use to gain unauthorized access to the system or the data it contains. The attack surface can include anything from well-known vulnerabilities in software to physical access to the system or its components. The larger the attack surface, the more potential entry points there are for an attack
A Close Read at NIST’s Definition of Zero Trust Architecture
Mutual Authentication with mTLS
Mutual authentication, also known as two-way authentication, is a security process in which both parties in a communication verify each other's identity. This helps to ensure that the communication is secure and that the parties involved are who they claim to be. In a typical mutual authentication process, both parties present their own credentials, such as a digital certificate or username and pa
Principle of Least Privilege
Also known as "least user privilege," this is a security principle implemented into access policy which states that a user or system process should only have the minimum level of access necessary to perform its intended functions. The idea behind least privilege is to reduce the risk of security breaches by limiting the damage that can be done by an attacker or by a malicious or malfunctioning pro
In cybersecurity, "stateless" refers to a system or architecture that does not maintain any information or "state" about a client between security-related transactions. This means that each request or transaction is treated as an independent event and is not affected by any previous requests. Stateless systems in cybersecurity are often used to provide a more secure and scalable infrastructure. Fo
In cybersecurity, a route refers to the path that data takes from one networked device to another. Routing is the process of directing traffic from one network to another, typically based on the destination address of the data packets. This can occur at multiple levels within a network, from the core infrastructure to individual endpoints, and is an essential component of network communication. Ro
Policy (sometimes called "security policy" or "access policy") is a set of guidelines and rules that define the acceptable use of resources, systems, and data within an organization. It outlines the responsibilities of users and administrators, as well as the security measures that are in place to protect sensitive information. Authorization and authentication are critical components of a security
In cybersecurity, a perimeter refers to a defined boundary or edge around an IT system or network that separates it from the untrusted external environment. The purpose of a perimeter is to provide a first line of defense against unauthorized access, malware, and other security threats. The perimeter is typically secured using a combination of technologies such as firewalls, intrusion detection sy
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